Please check my article in the wiki:

Hope it helps (even if you don't use pypackager)

Best regards

>> By "well-behaved" I mean an app which appears as an icon in the
>> taskbar like a proper Hildon app.
>> I have copied and modified .desktop and .service files of such
>> apps made with PyGTK, but pyGame seems different. If the .desktop
>> doesn't
>> reference an osso service, the app starts from the menu, but
>> there is no icon in the taskbar (and no "xx is starting" during
>> launch). If it does, the  "xx is starting" message appears for
>> some time, but the app never starts.
>> Is it possible to get this right ? If so, is there a Howto
>> somewhere ?
> Yes, it's indeed possible.  Kagu ( ) is a
> pygame app; you might want to check it out.
> I suspect
> 9a088142aae may also be helpful.
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