Murray Cumming wrote:
>> Thank you. So Chinook and os2008 is different thing now.
> That makes no sense to me - it's contradictory to everything we've heard
> before. I don't understand why a new repository has been created.

To me it makes sense to have it separated.

os2008 is repository with sources for released firmware (IMO best would 
be to have os2008-2.2007.50-2 and os2008 being symlink to latest and 
keep few older ones too). You don't need repository for this but why 
not, you need to dump those files somewhere anyway (to satisfy GPL). It 
is better than one big tar archive as it was before.

chinook is the SDK - it contains extra stuff for development, some stuff 
missing (provided by scratchbox), some stuff different that breaks the 
tablet but is needed in SDK etc

So for me it makes sense. Also you can (and should) release os2008 
repository at the time of firmware release. With SDK you can wait few 
days or weeks to make all tools ready. That was one 'excuse' we heard 
before (firmware is ready, SDK not, should we delay firmware because of 
this?). Also you can provide system updates via os200x repository. With 
the SDK one it is harder to not to break anything.

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