On Tue, 2008-02-12 at 16:02 -0500, Michael R. Head wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've installed the maemo 4.0 SDK and have added the extra nokia binaries
> (maemo-explicit). I have the icon for the Contacts app in the left-bar
> (a blue torso in front of a purple torso). 
> When I click it, I can View Contacts. Unfortunately, I'm unable to add
> any accounts. I'd really like to jabber, google-talk, or SIP accounts to
> the app so I can test my app (which uses mission control and
> telepathy). 
> Unfortunately, I'm unable to do this, and all my testing must take place
> on my N810 device, rather than inside scratchbox.
> There's a mc-account program, but it doesn't seem to be helpful (no
> "profiles" are available to create an account).
> Is there a way to add accounts to the Contacts app when in the Maemo
> SDK?

After experimenting with mission control a bit more, I'm seeing that,
with telepathy-gabble installed, I've got a McManager and a McProtocol
for gabble/jabber. 

In addition/alternative to my first question, is there a way to create a
McProfile for which I can create an McAccount so I can try making
telepathy channels in the Maemo SDK without having to go to the device
to test?

Michael R. Head <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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