"ext Benno Senoner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> > The question is could it be that the socket remains stuck due to the
>> > roaming and is not able to recover ?
>> TCP doesn't fit wireless networks that well, it usually takes a long
>> time to cover from packet lost. Most probably what happens for you is
>> that some packets are lost due to roaming, and TCP thinks that there's
>> congestion and stops sending packets for a while.
>> Most probably the connection would recover after a while, and the
>> while here being several minutes with the default TCP settings.
> You think those time outs are really that long ?

Yeah, they are quite long. I have heard about long timeouts with other
applications using TCP.

An easy way to confirm, if this is a TCP problem or something else, is
to run ping in the background and see how long timeouts (ie. how much
you see packet loss) you get with it. ICMP ping does not have any of
problems that TCP has.

> the strange thing is if I go around the area with my Dell Laptop
> (under Windows) with VNC open it does not suffer from those extreme
> slow downs.

I'm guessing that the laptop is roaming more aggressively than the
N800 and TCP works fine because of that.

>> iwconfig is handy. Also checkout iwevent, for example you can easily
>> follow whenever roaming to different AP happens.
> so does iwevent emit an event when the n800 roams ?


> yes it could be useful, tanks for the tip I wil try.

I usually run 'iwevent &' to get it running in the background so
that I can easily see what's happening. Very handy.

> Aaah, I did not know that wlancond would overwrite those values, thanks alot
> I will try to use the method you proposed, perhaps it will help.
> gconftool-2 --set --type int
>> '/system/osso/connectivity/IAP/bgscan_threshold' '70'
>> gconftool-2 --set --type int
>> '/system/osso/connectivity/IAP/bgscan_interval' '20'

Sorry, I made a mistake here! Unit of bgscan_interval is milliseconds,
not seconds as I say above. So the correct way to set background scan
interval is this:

gconftool-2 --set --type int \
 '/system/osso/connectivity/IAP/bgscan_interval' '20000'

I'm sorry about this.

> As for the network lock ups we are experiencing (you have to
> disable,enable wlan on the n800 to make it work again)

Does ping work when that happens? For example, you could try to ping
your gateway. Also can you send me the output from dmesg after you
experience this, please?

> other users reported it too as Luca Olivetti pointed out. and it
> seems like the problem and fix is described here:
> http://internettablettalk.com/forums/showpost.php?p=134914&postcount=15
> at least for the 770 the fix seems to exist,

What I read from the link, someone had written a workaround to try
again whenever the chip is responding. That would good a feature, but
I would like to get more information about what's happening in this

> I hope it is not hard to implement this on the N800 too. I have a
> few 770 too so I can try to apply the fix described in the forum and
> see if my wlan lockup problems disappear.

770 has quite old software, so I would prefer if you can send me more
information with N800.

> Since the 770 is out of production and we will buy n800 and
> successors it is fundamental that the n800 (OS 2008) gets this fix

With WLAN driver changes ASAP usually means quite a long time due to
all the risks, testing and certification involved. 

Kalle Valo
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