
I've made a compile of carwhisperer for the maemo platform (
http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20780). The app
itself seems to work (from what I can tell anyway) but there is one problem
with this.

This program works on the principle of default security pins and the program
comes with a script to do just this. I've added in the pin_helper
configuration option in the hcid.conf and on a standard Linux system running
BlueZ, this works. However, on the OSSO versions of BlueZ, this doesn't

I've tried rebooting, disabling the bluetooth statusbar applet, I've tried
moving btcond, btsdp, btsearch to another place, I've even tried moving the
relevant files in /etc/dbus-1 to no avail. I can see with top that the
dbus-daemon is using a little bit more power when asking for the paircode.
I've even recompiled a hcid from the BlueZ website (i.e devoid of any OSSO
modifications) and replaced my binary in /usr/sbin but I still get the maemo
pair dialog.

So, how would I replace maemo bluetooth pairing dialog with another program
I want to run externally. Or make the maemo bluetooth pairing dialog not
interfere so hcid will run the program specified in the pin_helper option.

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