
> So if your package is failing due to missing dependencies, how does
> one map the package check to Build-Depends? I'm sure this is a basic
> question, I've googled but not found a definitive answer. The links
> referenced in this thread are very general.
> For example
> PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTK, gtk+-2.0) needs libgtk2.0-dev
> PKG_CHECK_MODULES(CONIC, conic) needs libconic0-dev
> What establishes the mapping?
> Specifically, I'm missing the Build-Depends for hildon-help.

I do not understand the question completely but perhaps my answer helps you

If your application configure script requires some external dependency like
in your example gtk+-2.0, this dependency is fullfill fromt eh view of your
application by finding the corresponding *.pc file as defined by
pkg-config. This *.pc file is normally part of some *-dev package which in
turn means that your configure scripts expects that this *-dev package is
available (and properly installed and configured). So to make that package
viewable for configure script at build time you must mention the exact
package that own and contains this *.pc file (AFAIK dpkg- S is your friend
here) in your build-dependencies because the build dependencies names the
packages that should be installed before your package is build. The
autobuilder starts with a clean envrionment and will only install the
packages you name. The *.pc file in turn contains the information what
additinal include paths and libraries you need to build against the given
package. It is a ASCII file. Just take a look. PKG_CHECK_MODULES is of
course only one way to detect if a library is available. There are others -
however the all expect the corresponding *-dev package to be installed.

Does this help you? Any aditional questions?


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