Frantisek Dufka wrote:
> Dave Neary wrote:
>> Information
>> for older OSes or for the 770, should be (IMHO) a footnote at lest, or a
>> reference to an "archived" page which doesn't show up when browsing the
>> wiki normally.
> Nokia 770 is not dead. There are still plenty of users of 770. You can 
> still buy 770 new in a box on ebay and used devices change hands to new 
> users who need information too. Please be careful with removing 
> 770/OS2006 or 2007(HE) information. Also people still use N800 with 
> OS2007, latest in not always greatest :-)

I think one of the most important aspects of the OSS community is that it
provides support for the community *and the hardware it uses*.

I can compile a kernel for a 386 with some very old hardware (hell, only a
couple of years back I managed to read my Amstrad 2086 XT 20 Mb harddisk on a
modernish linux box with an AT slot); I can run OE on my SL5500;

Speaking as someone who would be next in line up against the wall with a
practically obsolete N800, I don't think the 770 should be 'archived' by, (even if Nokia decide to do so as it appears to have done with
Chinook and Diablo - correct me if I misunderstand).

Oh, and I think Nokia 'abandoning' the 770 is one of the *key* reasons to aim
for a fully open OS on the NIT.

> Perhaps the newest stuff should be first but footnote or archived page 
> is going too far IMO.
> Can we tag pages or sections with OS/device names?
Yes, the 'Category' capability of the wiki allows you to do this - very useful.

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