There is a mount option, 'noexec,' that could be preventing you from 
running something on the SD card.  You can check by running 'mount'
  with no options and if necessary editing /etc/fstab to remove the 
option and then remount the cards.

Dr. Nicholas Shaw wrote:
> I have an issue that has me confused.  Thanks to Frantisek, I have C and C++
> installed and running on my 810.  The next thing was to install Sqlite3
> (needed for a program I'm migrating) so I downloaded the source files onto
> my SD card.  I became root via rootsh, ran configure and, error.  So I did
> an ls on the configure file and, surprise - the execute bits were missing.
> I was more than surprised as I've downloaded/compiled the latest versions of
> Sqlite3 several times without error on my SUSE and Debian Linux servers.  I
> also ran chmod by itself just to make sure it was actually there.  
> I ran chmod and checked the permissions and - still no execute bits.
> Thinking it had something to do with the external card, I moved the entire
> directory to the internal card - same thing.  
> I created a script in /home/user and ran chmod to make it executable and -
> no problem. I've tried chmod as user and as root with the same results.  It
> works in the user directory but not on either internal or external card and
> there's not enough space in /user to place all the source code then compile
> the code.  
> Any suggestions will be appreciated and THANKS IN ADVANCE! 
> Nick.
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