On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 2:02 PM, tz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If the whole application manager apt-get dists debian system is going
> to be so brittle that the only SAFE way to get an application on to
> your system is with Application Manager in blue-pill mode, then there
> should be a user/cli category or something.

apt-get upgrade wont break your system if you're not fetching from
every insane repository you can find. An apt-get dist-upgrade, on the
other hand, will break things when it pulls in coreutils if you have
the SDK repository enabled, but Nokia is very clear about that not
being intended for the device.

Red Pill and SDK repos are a misdirection, please leave them out of
this discussion, as they aren't relevant here.

The question is: Should console-only applications be sorted into a
user/-prefix category?

Yes, but the distinction should be between "root" and "non-root"
packages. Stuff like SSH, nano, rootsh, zip/unzip, irssi,
etc.--clearly user-oriented applications should appear in user/*, but
stuff like bluez-utils-test, and developer-oriented stuff really

Again, if you've got issues with the setup of the SDK repo, or your
particular decisions regarding dependencies, then those are separate
issues than whether certain system and CLI packages should be

Either get the Tools repo moved to Extras, or upload the dependencies
you need yourself, but don't be user-hostile by trying to solve these
issues breaking the categorization.
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