Niels Breet wrote:
> On Mon, November 10, 2008 16:40, Julius Luukko wrote:
>> Hello all,
> Hi,
>> I have a problem with autobuilder and localization. My package (fuelpad)
>> includes Finnish and English localizations (fi_FI and en_GB), but the
>> Finnish localization does not work (UI is shown in English instead of
>> Finnish) with the package built by autobuilder. If I build the package
>> in scratchbox, the Finnish localization works. If I replace only the binary
>> /usr/bin/fuelpad with the scratchbox built one, everything works
>> as expected.
>> The package is still in extras-devel. You can test the localizaton issue
>> by running fuelpad from xterm with
>> $ export LC_MESSAGES='fi_FI' && fuelpad
>> I don't have any clues what might be wrong. However, it seems that I am
>> not alone with this problem, maemo-mapper works exactly the same way [1].
> John reported this to me and I suspected his package at first. But now you
> seem to confirm this issue, so we really need to look at the autobuilder
> to see what happens.
> Ed: Do you have any idea what happens?

Hello all,

We finally solved this issue with Ed off-list. Even though the solution 
was not straight forward, it turned out that the reason was 
osso-af-settings missing in Build-Depends. In I have

localedir=`$PKG_CONFIG osso-af-settings --variable=localedir`
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([LOCALEDIR], "${localedir}", [Runtime locale catalog 
files path])

We found out that src/config.h got LOCALEDIR defined as an empty string:

#define LOCALEDIR ""

whereas it should have

#define LOCALEDIR "/usr/share/locale"

Thanks again to Ed for helping me solve the problem.


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