On May 5, 2009, at 15:41, Quim Gil wrote:

> Hi,
> Let me start again because I don't think this downstream-upstream
> relationship is relevant to define hhis extras QA process.
> Proof: if an application in extras has been demoted because of a  
> severe
> bug in a library it's the maintainer of that app the main  
> responsible of
> finding a solution. Going upstream might be the safest bet but  
> probably
> not the fastest. He will decide in any case. If a package is used by
> many apps then the problem is common to many maintainers and, again,
> they will decide whether to fix the bug themselves and file the fix
> upstream or report upstream and fix the problem altogether.

This is ideal, at least in theory. The problem is that many package  
maintainers don't know the programming language of the software they  
are packaging. If you are packaging something written in erlang you  
will not be able to quickly fix bugs in that package if you don't know  
erlang. This problem is a big one in debian, which is why they pass  
bugs upstream. How many package maintainers know the code of the  
package they maintain in maemo?
> In any case it is not the business of the maemo.org extras QA  
> process to
> deal with the bugfix itself. This process should make sure the quality
> of the apps offered to end users is good, promoting what is good and
> demoting what is bad.

Fair enough, but "quality" needs to be specifically defined. I.e.  
installs, de-installs, has a source tarball, description, etc.
> Goals
> - We need to know when an application in extras-devel is ready to be
> tested by power users (betatesters).

As soon as it is uploaded?

> - We need to know when an application in extras-testing is ready for  
> end
> users.

After going through a policy check and two weeks of power users' tests?
> - We need to have a community process to report severe bugs and demote
> an application if a confirmed severe bug is not being addressed.

I think this is a good idea.
> Assumptions:
> - We have extras-devel, extras-testing and extras.
> - The jump from extras-devel to extras-testing is initiated manually  
> by
> the maintainer of an application once he thinks it's free of major
> issues and would be stopped by some kind of objective criteria applied
> to automated testing with no human testing: installs/de-installs,
> package info complete...

> - The jump from extras-testing to extras is made automatically after n
> days when human-based criteria are met: no crashes or severe bugs
> detected, n votes for promotion. Betatesters have specific tools
> installed in their devices helping them to detect and report crashes  
> and
> power management issues.

The n votes for promotion sounds like a good plan, where n is  
reasonably low.

> - Betatesters can also flag an application that is buggy enough to be
> demoted. Only the relevant packages should be demoted, as one library
> might be shared by many apps. They would be all demoted if the library
> is demoted so we want to do this only when it is proven that the  
> severe
> bug is in the library. This means that the demotion needs to be done
> manually by people really knowing what they are doing.
> - We are looking for end user perceived quality and therefore we  
> need to
> handle end user bug reports. We can't expect a user to know what exact
> package or library is causing the problem, the bugs will be filed
> against applications found buggy.


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