Did anybody ever stumble over my two wiki articles about this issue? ;-)
They are written from a no-real-clue-but-finally-got-it-working perspective, 
which might shed a light on the problems these amateur developers (such as 
myself) face on the platform.

http://wiki.maemo.org/Py2deb (accessed >3000 times?)
http://wiki.maemo.org/PyPackager (accessed > 4000 times?)

Perhaps they could also serve as the "foundation" for an advanced article or 
get linked in the next blog that Jeremiah writes.

Thanks and best regards

PS: Ok, now we have a debmaster. But could Nokia also sponsor a debslave? Would 
come in handy :-)

> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 1:44 AM, Jeremiah Foster
> <jerem...@jeremiahfoster.com> wrote:

>> On May 15, 2009, at 9:29, Qole wrote:
>> The maemo.org community seems to have a large number of very
>> amateur developers (myself included) who see a need and develop a
>> solution to fill that need. These solutions often are written in
>> Python or are composed of a series of shell scripts, so no
>> compiling is necessary. These new developers post their solutions
>> on the forums, and they are very appreciated by the community.
>> The problem then is that these amateur developers have never
>> packaged an application before, and they don't know how to
>> package the app (make a .deb) and make it available to a wider
>> audience (put it in Extras).
>> I would love to see the debmaster "pick up the slack" and help
>> get these applications properly packaged, and then, if the
>> community support is strong enough, help get the package into
>> Extras.
> I have just blogged about resources for packaging - mainly links to
> get people started. (It wasn't showing up on the planet last I
> checked, I have to check again.) I am going to blog about packaging
> a sample python app and push more documentation to the wiki.

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