
the problem is that the plugin is supposed to be a widget because in
previous versions it would be embedded inside the Input Method window
that was placed in the lower part of the screen, but this obviously
won't work well for widgets that are a window themselves. I guess that
you should set the plugin type to HILDON_IM_TYPE_FULLSCREEN and keep an
internal field with the actual window, like this:

plugin_enable(HildonIMPlugin *plugin, gboolean init)

As for having a fullscreen window, I'm not sure about the restrictions
placed by the window manager, but if regular windows don't work well you
could experiment with a dialog window. You could also remove decoration
on that window for a nicer effect.



xuxing wrote:
> Hi,All
> I am trying to write a fullscreen keyboard plugin for Hildon input method.
> I tried two ways:
> 1, Call gtk_window_fullscreen in activate_plugin:
> It didn't work.
> 2, Resize the keyboard window to 800X480 in hildon_im_ui_resize_window.
> The related application will exit abnormally.And matchbox wm tells:
> matchbox-wm: X error warning (0): BadValue (integer parameter out of
> range for operation) (opcode: 12)
> Is there any constraint on _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_INPUT window in matchbox wm?
> Or should I do something special in fullscreen keyboard plugin?
> Any hints will be welcome!
> Thanks a lot!
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