On Saturday 29 August 2009 16:23:43 Ryan Abel wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Graham Cobb<g+...@cobb.uk.net> wrote:
> > I presume a garage tracker is an acceptable URL.  If Ed ever gets the
> > chance to do his "autobuild from garage" proposal he could default this
> > to the associated tracker!
> Acceptable, but probably not preferable. I'd like to see everybody
> move as far away from the GForge tracker as possible. ;)

That is a good point.  But people who use garage for development probably 
don't have access to any other system for a bug tracker.  Maybe "provide 
better bug tracker" should be on the wishlist for garage?  Or, maybe there 
should be a garage section in the Maemo bug tracker?

In my case, the one application I store on garage has a "niche" user base 
(maybe 4 people?) so I think they could put up with it.


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