I´ve updated the wiki page with all the information that was provided in 
this thread. If something is not clear, please feel free to update the page.


Thanks again to everyone who answered on this thread, especially Vlad 
who was the first with a working solution. Also the source code of 
omweather was very helpful. Big thanks to Kimmo too for the final 
clarification :)


Cornelius Hald wrote:
> Hi all!
> For some time already Conboy has the ability to relayout it´s widget 
> when switched from landscape into portrait mode.
> Now I wanted to know whether or not the window is actually rotated when 
> the device is rotated, so I asked on tmo and Andre was so kind and did 
> the test. It looks like it is not working[1].
> What I did is I added the following line to all windows of my application:
> hildon_gtk_window_set_portrait_flags(GTK_WINDOW(win), 
> I assume that HILDON_PORTRAIT_MODE_SUPPORT means that this window is 
> supporting the portrait mode and thus can be rotated. And that 
> HILDON_PORTRAIT_MODE_REQUEST means that the UI should be switched to 
> portrait mode no matter what the orientation of the device is, right?
> Is there something else I need to do? Did I do something wrong?
> Help would be very welcome :)
> Thanks!
> Conny
> [1] http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=30883
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