ext Thomas Perl wrote:
> Hello!
> In the latest version of gPodder (written in Python), I have started
> using maemo-optify. It saves around 1 MB according to maemo-optify's
> output. The problem is that now when a user upgrades from an older
> version to this version, it breaks (the user cannot start the
> application from the icon, and starting it from the command line tells
> me that Python can't find the "gpodder" module).
> Uninstalling and re-installing the package fixes this problem, but I
> assume there will be lots of users upgrading from the current version
> in Extras (non-optified) to some optified version in the future, and
> they won't just try to uninstall and re-install it and assume that the
> application is at fault :/

"lots of users" before sales start = actually not that many and all of
them quite savvy and even probably reflashing at this point.

Thanks for you report though. It's clearer that unless we find several
solutions the time for optification is NOW, or whenever a developer is
pushing a first release to Extras.

> Is it possible to fix that problem somehow? Or should I just disable
> optification?
> Another problem is the slower startup speed, which is really
> noticeable now. That's another reason why I would like to go without
> optification.
> Thanks,
> Thomas

Quim Gil
open source advocate
Maemo Devices @ Nokia
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