----- Original message -----
> Uninstalling and re-installing the package fixes this problem, but I
> assume there will be lots of users upgrading from the current version
> in Extras (non-optified) to some optified version in the future, and
> they won't just try to uninstall and re-install it and assume that the
> application is at fault :/

Not too many at the moment, I hope, but as this may be a source of problems in 
the future it is important that we minimise the need to upgrade from 
non-optified to optified by getting everything optified asap.  Let's 
concentrate our testing on the optified versions.

> Is it possible to fix that problem somehow? Or should I just disable
> optification?

Definitely not.  There is too little space to allow non-optified apps to go 
into extras in the future.

> Another problem is the slower startup speed, which is really
> noticeable now. That's another reason why I would like to go without
> optification.

If you could quantify this and/or do some investigation of what, in particular, 
is causing the slowdown it would be very useful.  We have to find some way to 
move most of the app's storage to /home and the better we understand the 
impacts the better the solution can be.

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