I am still hoping for some more help with remapping the N900 keyboard (see
quoted message below).

I have come across a problem I believe is related, and it is much more
urgent for me to identify and fix the problem.

When I start a nested Xephyr X Server on the N900, the desktop environment
that I run in that X Server (LXDE, on DISPLAY :1) does not seem to have
access to the keyboard. No keyboard presses are passed to DISPLAY :1 at all.
When I press the key combination to get to the Dashboard (CTRL-Backspace), I
am taken to the Dashboard, which suggests that maybe Hildon desktop is not
"letting go" of the keyboard.

I have tried using xkbcomp as described below to copy the keyboard mapping
to display :1, but it doesn't help.

Any help or suggestions?

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 9:23 PM, Qole <qole.tab...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Now that the N900 has been released, I will post this question on
> maemo-developers, in the hopes that some Nokia devs can help me here.
> I would like to know how to remap the keyboard on the N900. I've received
> some help from Marius Gedminas, as you will see below, but I'd like to know
> how to map the keyboard permanently, without having to run xkbcomp every
> time.
> Here is the help that I've received so far:
> On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 4:23 AM, Marius Gedminas <mar...@pov.lt> wrote:
>> I've had partial success by doing this:
>>  $ xkbcomp :0 default.xkb
>>  $ vi default.xkb
>> comment out the two rules that cause syntax errors:
>> //  interpret AccessX_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
>> //      action= LockControls(controls=);
>> //  };
>> //  interpret MouseKeys_Accel_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
>> //      action= LockControls(controls=);
>> //  };
>> Now you can restore the settings back by running
>>  $ xkbcmp default.xkb :0
>> if you screw up and end up with a nonfunctional keyboard.
>> Next
>>  $ cp default.xkb mg.xkb
>>  $ vi mg.xkb
>>    key <RGHT> {
>>        type= "FOUR_LEVEL",
>>        symbols[Group1]= [       Right,       Right,       Tab,       Tab ]
>>    };
>>  $ xkbcomp mg.xkb :0
>> and now Fn+Right arrow is a Tab key.
>> Sadly I don't know enough about xkbcomp to see if it's possible to make
>> it load incomplete maps on top of the current configuration, just to
>> update a few symbols without replicating the full configuration.
>> > None of the changes I make to
>> /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-51
>> > have any effect (yes I reboot after changing the file).
>> Maybe the files in /var/cache/xkb contain precompiled versions of those?
>> I'm not adventurous enough to go and start editing files in /usr/.
>> Although creating a new symbols file in there and loading it on top of
>> the defaults with setxkbmap ought to maybe work...
>> Marius Gedminas
> (I have already replied with the following:
> Replace
>        type= "FOUR_LEVEL",
>        symbols[Group1]= [       Right,       Right,       Tab,       Tab ]
> with
>        type= "PC_FN_LEVEL2",
>        symbols[Group1]= [       Right,       Tab ]
> and you will retain the ability to highlight text with shift-right arrow.)
> --
> enthusiast, n. "One whose mind is wholly possessed and heated by what
> engages it; one who is influenced by a peculiar fervor of mind; an ardent
> and imaginative person."

enthusiast, n. "One whose mind is wholly possessed and heated by what
engages it; one who is influenced by a peculiar fervor of mind; an ardent
and imaginative person."
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