On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Mikko Vartiainen <mvartiai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>     I still suggest meta user/* packages. Nokia is actually using meta
>> user/* packages (for example, "Maemo 5" package is a meta package
>> pulling the platform non user/* packages when upgraded).
> Meta packages are unfortunately the only working way
> get library updates to users. I still would hate to
> see all libraries in Application Manager, even if
> they were semi hidden to some category. Only _good_
> solution that I can see is that Application Manager
> would work the same way as apt-get and upgrade all
> packages (except the Nokia meta package).

The problem being that the meta-package will pull *all* PyMaemo
packages and not just what the user wants/needs :/

Unless Application Manager honours Suggests:  fields ? in this case we
could put all non-core Python packages under that field.

The other solution is to fix Application Manager :o)

Anderson Lizardo
OpenBossa Labs - INdT
Manaus - Brazil
maemo-developers mailing list

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