
On Mon, Dec 07, 2009 at 09:24:51PM -0800, Sarah Newman wrote:
> Paul Fertser wrote:
>> I'm no USB expert either but given what i already know about it, i
>> think more hardware information is needed to be able to give a final
>> verdict on the N900 usb host mode functionality. I'm not talking here
>> about perfectly correct standards implementation or certification
>> issues though i personally would prefer to have a working hostmode
>> implementation to having a useless usb logo on the box.
> I don't know at this time what Nokia went through to get their USB  
> charging to work, but my expectation is that host mode is not supported  
> because the n900 cannot supply power.

Even if n900 can't supply power hostmode should still be possible if you
provide power to the peripheral from the outside.

Your other remarks about OTG are valid but even if proper OTG support is
impossible on n900, having host mode working in a manual way would still be
great. I mean one just switches it to the host mode, provides power and
15k pulldowns (if necessary) and it should just work.

If i had an n900 in my hands, i would use the "mode" sysfs node of the musb
driver, valid parameters are "host", "peripheral" and "otg". I'd switch it
to the host mode and measured with DMM if there's power on the Vbus and
checked the resistance between DM/DP and GND (should be ~15k). I'd connect
what's lacking externally and tried attaching some mass-storage device or a

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