On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 1:40 PM, Anderson Lizardo
<anderson.liza...@openbossa.org> wrote:
> * Use do_expose_event() and do_realize() methods instead of realize()
> and screen_changed() ones you used (just rename "def expose(self,
> widget, event)" to "def do_expose_event(self, event)" and "def
> screen_changed(self, widget)" to "def do_realize(self)"

I forgot to mention: you should not connect these methods
(do_expose_event() and do_realize()) to any signal, they are "virtual
methods" called automatically by PyGTK.

I got the idea partially from
http://ralph-glass.homepage.t-online.de/clock/clock.py and from
interpreting the example clock widget C code.

Anderson Lizardo
OpenBossa Labs - INdT
Manaus - Brazil
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