
ext Mark Clarkson wrote:
> I have made a simple animation using a clutter timeline with clutter-gtk-0.10 
> and clutter-1.0 but there is excessive tearing when the animation plays 
> making the animation look terrible.
> I have tried none, dri and glx values for the CLUTTER_VBLANK environment 
> variable but this seems to have no effect at all.
> Is there a way to fix this?

Screen update isn't yet synched to LCD refresh.  Please file a bug about
it to bugs.maemo.org (it needs support from kernel display driver, X
server, SGX driver, Clutter and hildon-desktop compositor, but I guess
you could file it against Official platform -> Core -> X).

After this I think things should look fine in Clutter when app does
things right.  E.g. panning in normal applications can still tear though
because Gtk doesn't have any support for Vsync.  This is not really 
fixable due to how Gtk painting is arranged, parts of the window are
painted in application callbacks.  If application callback is fast
enough that it gets into same boxed damage event from X server (to
compositor) as the internal Gtk pannable area scroll, there's no
tearing, if it gets drawn later, then update for that part of the window
goes to screen on next compositor screen update.

        - Eero
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