On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 9:53 PM, Paul Hartman
<paul.hartman+ma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What's the recommended dev environment to produce Qt-based software
> for the N900/Maemo5? SDK Virtual Machine? MADDE? Is qt-creator going

Right now, you should just use scratchbox (the old one). Luckily, you
can do most of the development as normal qt desktop app first, which
is quite convenient.

> to be able to cross-compile to maemo target in my native Linux PC
> environment in the near future? Can I develop in qt-creator and then
> compile in the other environment? Since I'm just starting from scratch

Yes, you can open the project file that is residing in scratchbox home
directory and code/test normally, and occasionally make maemo builds
(x86 sbox / armel) and test in scratchbox / device. Of course you
could use creator just as a top notch code editor and do all the
compiing/testing in scratchbox, but for many applications you won't
need to do much of that, at least in most phases of development.

Ville M. Vainio
maemo-developers mailing list

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