On Mon, 1 Feb 2010, Frantisek Dufka wrote:

The trick is to press shift first, not Fn.

Just tried with my N900 and mapped shift+Fn+Backspace to Escape and it works. Also tried shift+Fn+qwertyuiop to F1-F10 and at least fullscreen and zoom keys (F6,7,8) work.

Ok, I did your suggested remapping as follows,

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "us" {
    include "nokia_vndr/rx-51(english_base)"
    include "nokia_vndr/rx-51(arrows_4btns)"
    name[Group1] = "U.S. English";
    // 1. row
    key <AD01>    { [ q,  Q,  1, F1 ] };
    key <AD02>    { [ w,  W,  2, F2 ] };
    key <AD03>    { [ e,  E,  3, F3 ] };
    key <AD04>    { [ r,  R,  4, F4 ] };
    key <AD05>    { [ t,  T,  5, F5 ] };
    key <AD06>    { [ y,  Y,  6, F6 ] };
    key <AD07>    { [ u,  U,  7, F7 ] };
    key <AD08>    { [ i,  I,  8, F8 ] };
    key <AD09>    { [ o,  O,  9, F9 ] };
    key <AD10>    { [ p,  P,  0, F10 ] };

and indeed the F6 key mapping works and toggles fullscreen... but I can only trigger F6 by pressing Fn+Shift "simultaneously". The method of "locking" either Fn or Shift first, doesn't work for me.

I then tried replacing the F6 mapping with,

    key <AD06>    { [ y,  Y,  6, bracketleft ] };

but no luck, it doesn't work... a colleague with a French-version N900 has an RX-51 mapping with some FOUR_LEVEL functional mappings. See the 'fr' map here, http://www.natisbad.org/N900/rx-51. And as Arkady reported earlier, his russian layout has a mostly functional EIGHT_LEVEL... but it looks as if the hildon-layer is doing special processing for this.

The <AC01>, <AB04>, etc., labels I think can be broken as 1st char for "alphanumeric", 2nd letter for the keyboard row from the bottom and the digits the column on the keyboard... with the special keys having their own names. What I don't understand is how different row keys are mixed on different foreign layouts.


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