I have successfully compiled an OpenGL ES 2.0 program on scratchbox for the FREMANTILE_ARMEL plattform. However, when running the program on Nokia N900 the compilation of the vertex and fragment shaders fails. This is the error code:

Failed to compile fragment shader: Compile failed.
ERROR: 0:1: 'varying' : syntax error; parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors. No code generated.

Failed to compile fragment shader: Compile failed.
ERROR: 0:1: 'attribute' : syntax error; parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors. No code generated.

Failed to link program: Link Error: Vertex shader is missing.
Link Error: Fragment shader is missing.

This is my vertex shader:

        const char* pszVertShader = "\

                highp attribute vec4 myVertex;\
                lowp attribute vec4 fargKod;\
                mediump attribute vec2 myUV;\
                highp uniform mat4 yRotMatris;\
                highp uniform mat4 xRotMatris;\
                highp uniform mat4 frustMatris;\
                lowp varying vec4 outColor;\
                mediump varying vec2 myTextCoord;\
                void main(void)\
                        outColor = fargKod;\
                        myTextCoord = myUV;\
                        gl_Position = myVertex * yRotMatris * xRotMatris;\


and this is my fragment shader:

        const char* pszFragShader = "\
                uniform sampler2D sampler2d;\
                mediump varying vec2 myTextCoord;\
                void main (void)\
                        gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler2d,myTextCoord);\

These shader compile successfully and works fine when I run the same OGLES2 program in the simulation environment.

Does anyone have a clue what could be wrong? Is there perhaps something that need to be installed on the Nokia N900 to add shader compilation support to it???

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