I've been hunting down an issue with The One Ring which exhibits
itself as calls randomly failing with an error being reported to the
user as "General Error".

I've been setting up traces within my code and logging what is
happening on the DBus Session bus.  I've seen no difference in the
logs for what calls are made on The One Ring, the values it returns,
or what signals it fires (well, except the premature closure of my
channel after the error occurred).  The only thing I've seen is that
an app (RTComm?) will report to the another app (Call UI?) that there
is no "InitiatorHandle".

Notes on my investigation and the accompanying log files can be found
at the bug filed to me

I mostly use The One Ring for outbound calls and Sofia and Spirit
(SIP/Skype) for inbound so I can't say whether it reproduces or not on
other Connection Managers.  I've tried to search b.m.o and have come
across no other reports which with the frequency it can be seen with
The One Ring, if it occurred on the others I would think a bug would
be filed immediately.

The result of the logs make me want to point the finger at RTComm but
the lack of issue on other Connection Managers bends that finger back
at myself.  Does anyone know if this sounds like a RTComm or a The One
Ring issue?  Anything I might be doing wrong on my side?  As best as I
can figure reading the Telepathy spec, I'm doing things right even if
its a bit different (no actual media streams).  If someone wants to
take a look, from the garage project you can get the GIT repo.  The
code is modeled heavily after butterfly).

As I've mentioned before, I'm always unsure whether maemo-dev or
telepathy is the best forum for these platform specific telepathy
issues.  If this is better than also feel free to look at an issue
I've posted to the telepathy list about that I suspect is related to a
Skype issue.

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