On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Graham Cobb wrote:

On Monday 08 March 2010 13:09:52 Benoît HERVIER wrote:
2010/3/8 Thomas Perl <th.p...@gmail.com>:
"I don't know if Khertan's problem is technical or political"

The both, as i'm tired of fighting against bug and wrong thumb down in
QA Testing.

Thomas, I was not aware that there was a problem with the autobuilder, with no
workround, preventing some packages from building.  That is definitely a
severe problem and I will certainly push hard for a solution.  Thank you for
your efforts and your patience.

Benoît, I am very disappointed that you have decided to create a separate
repository.  I am not sure if you were around in the early days, with the
770, but the proliferation of repositories made things unmanageable for both
users and developers, even with the very small number of users we had then.
The problem was not just finding packages: the worst problems were
incompatabilites that prevented two packages from even being installed on the
same system! Re-creating that mess is no solution to even the most serious
problems we have today.

Why not have another repository (called extras-authors), describe it as repository of programs that their authors think are good enough for users, and allow authors sole discretion on promoting their packages from extras-devel to extras-authors. As long as the name is neutral, and the wiki/forum/mail-list are not full of warnings in size 72 blinking red letters that this repository certainly without any doubt will destroy your device, I am sure most of those who have seperate repositories will prefer to use such repository. I know that I will. After all, this is how extras repository worked in chinook/diablo, and I think it worked very well.

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