On Wed, 2010-03-17 at 10:43 +0100, Niels Breet wrote:
> It combines data for your package from all repositories.

Ok, this explains the spikes I'm currently seeing.

> Check omweather for instance, there you see data every day. Although the
> numbers are low.

Ok, I see. Thanks for explaining.

Would it be possible to give finer grained data to the developers? We
don't have to show that on the Downloads page, but it would be nice if
we could get downloads of an individual version in a specific
repository. That way I could see how many end users (extras) download my
application and whether or not downloads are increasing with each
version. Also I could see how many people actually using -devel releases

Also using the current download count for the "Popular" section of
Downloads seems a bit unfair then. Shouldn't it be at least
downloads/num_of_releases? Or better
The way it is now, an application that pushes updates every day gets way
more downloads than an application with updates every month and that
even if the end users never see those updates because they have been to

I realize this is probably a lot of work. But I think having finer
grained statistics would be really useful. What do other think?


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