>From: maemo-developers-boun...@maemo.org [maemo-developers-boun...@maemo.org] 
>On Behalf Of ext Sukhbir Singh [singheinst...@gmail.com]
>Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2010 2:32 PM
>To: maemo-developers@maemo.org
>Subject: Routing SMS to another app.
>Hi developers,
>I was wondering whether there is any way I can divert SMS messages from the 
>Inbox to another app that I would be designing for this purpose. Like when a 
>SMS comes, I just need to delete it from the Inbox, extract the sender's name 
>and the message body and store it inside my app. Is there any way >to do this? 
>I am potential GSoC student.

Easiest way is to do this with QtMobility messaging API. There QMEssagestore, 
you can get signal of arriving SMS and then delete it.
QTmobility Messagign with Messge Store support will be there in next couple of 


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