>From: ext Cláudio Sampaio [pat...@gmail.com]
>Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 11:39 AM
>To: Alhola Kate (Nokia-FNDC/Helsinki)
>Cc: singheinst...@gmail.com; maemo-developers@maemo.org
>Subject: Re: Routing SMS to another app.
>On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 9:51 AM, 
><kate.alh...@nokia.com<mailto:kate.alh...@nokia.com>> wrote:
>>Kate, can we use this to hijack voice calls also? Like the SMS thing you 
>>mentioned, that before the message comes we can trap the signal. Does the 
>>same hold for voice calls too?
>There is not yet voice call support in QtMobility but you can get signal of 
>incoming voice call using libtpsession. It then depends what do you mean 
>You can Catch SMS or Voice call singal but with these methods you can't 
>prevent other applications like Messaging Ui or Phone UI getting also
>notification of incoming SMS or Call.
>Case in point, would it be possible to make an application for custom 
>ringtones for contacts? This is a request made very often by users of the N900.

When you can catch indication of incoming call with number on it, you can play 
your custom ring tone but i am not sure, how you can easily prevent
system ringtone playing.

>As you response readily implies a 'no', the 'not yet' means how long? I mean, 
>PR1.2 has something for it? Is it planned for some release, or what? Wouldn't 
>that be very very simple to code in the phone call library?
>Sorry for being too inquisitive and I know Nokia does not give dates. But I 
>just want to know if it's worth spending my time on this issue.

WIth these methods does not mean impossible but it needs more complicated 
methods. The call and SMS system is based on Telepathy framework.
You can check rough diagram from http://tpsession.garage.maemo.org/ .  With 
tpsession or qtmobility you can receive events that Telepathy is sending via 
but you can't prevent other stake holdsers receiving these events. Technically 
Telepathy framework allows implementing filters in message path that 
does exactly what you are asking and there is TelepathyQt4 library. I am using 
TelepathyQt4 for TpSesison. I have not tried to implement filters
with Telepathy and Telepathy is not simplest API at all. There has been 
discussion having simplifies filter API for TpSession but i have not
had even Time to check it now. At the moment only way to do filtes is to use 
Telepathy API's.


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