Foreword: the Qt versioning mismatch problem is not strictly the consequence 
of the PR1.2 delay, it is mainly the result of the packaging choice of how Qt 
gets updated to newer versions.

On Thursday 20 May 2010 15:26:46 Felipe Crochik wrote:
> -          If you use the "old" standard 4.5.3 packages you can't use the
> new 4.6 features including the maemo5 lib.
> -          If you use the new "standard" 4.6 packages the users won't be
> able to install on their devices because they won't have the qt 4.6 until
> PR 1.2 is out.
> -          If you use qt4-maemo5 packages your application will be blocked
> from moving to testing and we will have to submit new packages once PR1.2
> is out.
> Am I correct on this summary?


> 1.    What happens if two people submit packages with the same name to the
> "extras-development"?

If they have literally the same same/versioning scheme, the second one will be 

> 2.    What happens if a package with the same name exists on different
> repositories?

The highest versioned one will get installed. If the versions are the same, it 
shouldn't matter which one are you downloading from (i.e. if it matters, the 
situation is FUBAR anyway).

> 3.    any other reason (legal, technical, ..) why one of us can't submit
> the deb files to extras-devel? Would/could we upload them as non-free to
> make easier?

Extras-devel is not just a repository, it's a whole infrastructure. Using the 
autobuilder ensures adherence to certain standards, handling of source 
packages, the 'rebuildability', promotion, etc. 

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