Hey Pekka

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 6:13 PM, Pekka Pessi <pekka.pe...@nokia.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 2010-05-30 at 14:07 +0200, ext Christopher Intemann wrote:
> > On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 2:05 PM, Pekka Pessi <pekka.pe...@nokia.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >         You can test what the command
> >
> >         dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply=True \
> >          --dest=com.nokia.csd.SS /com/nokia/csd/ss \
> >          com.nokia.csd.SS.CheckDivert string:21 string:89
> >
> >         returns. If it does not return error
> >
> >         com.nokia.csd.SS.Error.TeleServiceNotProvisioned: Tele service
> >         not
> >         provisioned
> >
> >         you can try to redirect calls to your line 1 number with
> >         command
> >
> >         dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply=True \
> >          --dest=com.nokia.csd.SS /com/nokia/csd/ss \
> >          com.nokia.csd.SS.RegisterDivert string:21 string:89 \
> >           string:<line1-number-here> uint32:0
> >
> > Wow, thanks, thats at least a beginning!
> > So USSD codes are the only thing that works on line 2,
> Don't know about USSD - of course you can try
> dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply=True \
>  --dest=com.nokia.csd.SS /com/nokia/csd/ss \
>    com.nokia.csd.SS.USSD.Command string:'*#21**89#' string:
> and see what you get for response.
> That does not work.
However, it does not seem to work for line 1 either, therefore it might also
be a limitation by the provider.

> Call-UI does not recognize the non-standard basic service number (89)
> used for ALS, so you can not enter the code directly on call ui.
> So, if the basic service number was also used as beacon for outgoing line2
calls, would it also be possible to use it in connection with the
com.nokia.csd.Call method to invoke outgoing calls on the second line?
By the way, how can I unregister/cancel diverts on the second line?
There does not seem to be a CancelDivert method, and the method DivertCancel
does not accept basic service numbers as arguments (at least, I couldn't
figure out how I could assign them).

> or is there any way to switch to the second line for outgoing calls as
> > well? It would also be great if it was possible to set a different
> > ring tone for incoming line 2 calls...
> The modem does not support ALS line 2, it would have required special
> modem firmware. With the current modem firware, you can only divert line
> 2 calls to line 1.
> This is a bit weired since most Nokia devices DO support ALS. Is there any
good reason for not supplying an ALS-capable firmware?
Thanks in advance!
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