Andrew Flegg wrote:
On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 17:40, Felipe Crochik <> wrote:
Is there a way to find out how many times each application was downloaded
from extras-devel? It would be a valuable tool to help access if the
applications are being used (and/or are useful) and decide on how to
invest on each one.

Not sure - there is once you get to Extras; click "Download
Statistics" on the page.

No, there isn't, that's misleading.

wget --quiet "$1&os=Maemo5"; -O -|\
awk -F'[' '/^ *var d/{for(x=1;x<NF;x++){split($x,a,",");
total+=a[2]}}END{print total}'

(also at

This says - for ecoach - 105529. is the page which it pulls this info from. says 108000

But. - gives several dates, if you look at the package events, and glance at the graph, you can see that both the 'download-stats', and the '' page must be counting downloads from extras-devel and testing too.

For some preliminary analysis that I did for fmms - as many users have testing enabled as extras.

The download number is also misleading - as it's really 'total downloads and updates'.

ecoaches headline number is 100K.
In reality, it seems likely that the real number of users is more like 10k.

(integrate the size of the spike after each package event, and you can see how many updated. If you look at the shape of this when there are no external events, then you can decipher stuff.

For example - a upload of a fresh version to testing - if over the next 5 days, there are 5K downloads, and then 12 days later when it's pushed to extras - there are 3K - then it's probably reasonable to assume there are around 5000 users with extras-devel enabled, and 3000, with extras only.
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