On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Polyvertex <polyver...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Indeed, I own a stuck package :)

I am, in a weird way, happy that people are now complaining about packages
being stuck for 15 days - as bad as it sounds, there were times where most
of the packages spent months in testing without hopes of ever getting
promoted. Now, only to get the average closer 10 and all will be dandy !

On a side note - I checked out you package, it already has 3 tester votes,
so (unless somebody finds a blocker) it will be unlocked for promotion in
about 5 days even if nobody else votes on it (but if they do, you get
unlocked as soon as you reach 10 votes).

> Is there an exit backdoor somewhere ? :)
A secret weapon is in the making - KISStester, which would allow easier
feedback for users, and it also acts as a REMINDER for people who are using
software that is in dire need of testing (the problem is that people
*download* things from testing but forget/can't be bothered to come BACK to
vote on it).

Best regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

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