On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 6:43 PM, Felipe Crochik <fel...@crochik.com> wrote:

> It seems that I am missing one (or some) piece(s) of the puzzle, I tried
> downloading the libqfacebook and libqfacebook-dev packages using apt-get
> source but it didn’t help at all. As far as I can tell the two packages are
> exact the same and I can’t make any sense of why the “object files” are
> included (*.o, …) and/or why on both you have a libqfacebook-dev folder
> inside the debian.

Including *.o files or that dir sounds like missing or improper cleanup
(=packaging error), but let's not digress, the bottom line is this: IINM you
don't need to touch anything in the .pro file, you just need to

a) specify both dev and binary packages in the debian/control file, one
after the other.
b) have a debian/libirccclient-qt-dev.install file that says something like
'usr/include' (do NOT include the libs !)
c) have a debian/libirccclient-qt.install file that says something like

Considering you should already have all files in debian/tmp that's it,
everything else is taken care of by debhelper (dh_install copies over the
files specified in install from debian/tmp into per-package directories
which are then later put into separate debs by dh_builddeb)
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