On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 11:20, Lucas Maneos <ma...@subs.maneos.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 01, 2010 at 06:05:44PM +0200, Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh wrote:
>> Some of you may have heard back in summer when I announced that I was
>> working on an SSU, however, I decided to postpone it till PR1.3's out.
>> Now that it's out, I decided to work on it again. Niels Breet (X-Fade) has
>> kindly set up the repository on
>> http://repository.maemo.org/community-testing/.
> Excellent! :-)

Lucas, is there a plan to upgrade some of the more user-facing
packages on the Diablo SSU? In particular, the Diablo branch of HAM
(2.1.x) has a number of fixes, including the "show only valid
sections, put rest in 'other'" and "lay out the sections more nicely".
There's also a patch to get rid of the warning (or at least make it
red-pill switchable which, in the community SSU, we could default to
on; I think):


Thanks in advance,


Andrew Flegg -- mailto:and...@bleb.org http://www.bleb.org/
Maemo Community Council member
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