On Tue, Nov 02, 2010 at 11:38:17AM +0000, Andrew Flegg wrote:
> Lucas, is there a plan to upgrade some of the more user-facing
> packages on the Diablo SSU?

Plan, yes but probably later than sooner.  The whole thing is currently
stalled again due to lack of Copious Free Time (packaging patches is
relatively easy, but supporting them afterwards is a different story).  

With a few more people pitching in things might move quicker.  It
doesn't look completely hopeless, for example someone recently made made
updated hildon-desktop[1] packages, let's see if I can convince them to
put them in the SSU...

> In particular, the Diablo branch of HAM (2.1.x) has a number of fixes,
> including the "show only valid sections, put rest in 'other'" and "lay
> out the sections more nicely".

Interesting, would you mind filing bugs[2] for those?  Or, if you (or
anyone) want to "adopt" the HAM package feel free ;-)

> There's also a patch to get rid of the warning (or at least make it
> red-pill switchable which, in the community SSU, we could default to
> on; I think):
>     https://bugs.maemo.org/2710

That one I already know about (see keywords) but it's merely an
annoyance so not a very high priority.


[1] http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=834740
[2] https://bugs.maemo.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=diablo-community-updates
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