
I have just installed the last version of the 2006 OS, and I am
experiencing a strange bug with the PDF reader.

I could see this file [1] perfectly with the beta version, but now with
the final version it claims "Not enough memory to show page" every time
the shown page has an image.

It does not happen with other files with images, so I don't know if it
is a real big bug (maybe it is just an issue with this specific file [1]).

Anyhow, it would be great if someone else could check if this happens
with PDF files which were shown correctly with the beta version, but can
not be fully shown with this new version.



Israel Herraiz             | Libre Software Engineering Lab (GSyC)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
http://libresoft.urjc.es   | Edif. Departamental II - Despacho 118
Telf: (+34) 91 488 8523    | c/Tulipán s/n 28933 Móstoles (Madrid)

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