Ted Zlatanov wrote:
The N800 successor should have a scroll wheel on the side.  It would
make 90% of my daily stylus use (while browsing the web and reading
RSS feeds) unnecessary.  Unlike the D pad, scrolling should be purely
a mouse button 4/5 operation, not "move to the next link OR the next
page, UNLESS I hold the button down", which is why I don't use the D
pad for scrolling.  It's just too hard to go to the next page, which
is a very common operation.

I totally agree that a scroll/jog wheel is essential
for vertical scrolling, which may translate into previous/next page 
functionality depending on the application etc.

Obviously the wheel can be used to select (push in) and even perform horizontal 
scrolling by tilting the wheel, but that depends on how creative Nokia want to 
get on this. Positioning the wheel on the top left or top right shoulders of 
the device would work for me (as I'm right handed) but this would not work at 
all for a left-handed person who has to rotate the screen 180 degrees for 
comfortable use (secondary wheel in the bottom right corner?) I think Nokia 
need to give more consideration to left-handed users - lefties should consider 
class action suits against big corps citing discrimination and access issues! :)

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