I use the Nokia LD-3W which is a SiRF chipset, but there's no display
and no way to select options I'm aware of...

Maemo is OK for me... My main issue is retaining the GPS connection --
not to mention the cellular connection around my house as there are
big dark areas without coverage.

I wish Maemo was better for Point to Point Navigation, rather than
"you are here."  The NavKit looks cool, but it's going to be $239 here
in the US which is a lot considering similar applications on S60 are
more like $99 - though annually.  Even with a 1GB card, it seems way

On 4/13/07, Michel Brabants <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wasn't downloading maps automatically. I didn't have all the locations
cached. Only around the area where I started I did have the roads cached. I
wouldn't want to enable auto-download when I'm mapping, because it will crash
maemo-mapper when I want to save the track then (I openened 2 bugs at the
maemo-mapper-tracker). It sometimes indeed moves a little bit when standing
still. It will depend on your gps-receiver probably. The sirf-ones have to be
set in a special mode when you're walking (going slowly, ..). Else they may
jump some metres or so sudenly, I thought. Normally mine (mtk-chipset), there
isn't such an option and it should work well always. I want to promote it a
little bit indeed :). Maemo-mapper is a nice program, but it crashes too much
to my taste. I would like to adapt it or write a new program to make it
(also) more suitable for openstreetmap-mapping.



Op Friday 13 April 2007, schreef Jonathan Greene:
> were you downloading maps on the go over cellular or had you cached in
> advance?
> I find Maemo (or perhaps my GPS) seems to think I am moving at times
> when I am sitting still -- like at my desk.  With tracks on, I can see
> my location float a bit...  otherwise, it's a very cool program.
> On 4/12/07, Michel Brabants <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >  I just had a trip to Frankfurt for my company and took the  N800 with
> > me. I used it to map the road and a colleague used it to browse the web
> > for a second (ebay). I looked at the screen from time to time, ... The
> > trip took around 3 hours, but I also used it during the evening to get
> > some food and back and also to go to the hotel. In total maybe around 5
> > hours for mapping and looking where to go (Tomtom failed at a moment and
> > we didn't know that a reset would help ... and radio-navigationsystem
> > doesn't have precise maps of Germany. So, 2 gps-systems and maemo-mapper
> > to the rescue :).). Anyway, I'm very pleased of battery-time. I didn't
> > use Wlan really yet however. So, I can't comment on the Wlan. For the
> > rest, I'm very happy up till now to have bought the device.
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> > Michel
> >
> > Op Thursday 12 April 2007, schreef Laurent GUERBY:
> > > FWIW, my globalsat BT-359 GPS linked via bluetooth to my N800 running
> > > maemo mapper on during a whole Paris-Toulouse-Castres TGV (high speed
> > > train) trip ran on one charge taking 19910 data points from
> > > 2007-04-06T08:25:02+02:00 to 2007-04-06T15:11:46+02:00 so a bit less
> > > than 7 hours, resulting .gpx file is 2.6MB for about one data point per
> > > second. I turned the N800 off with one bar left when I reached the end
> > > of my trip.
> > >
> > > I turned on the screen from time to time to see the speed of the train
> > > so this is not a bluetooth only check, and maemo mapper was
> > > running of course.
> > >
> > > The only thing is that I had to switch sound off because top
> > > speed warning in maemo mapper is limited to 300 km/hour and the TGV is
> > > sometimes above it during the trip :).
> > >
> > > All in all I assume bluetooth doesn't consume that much.
> > >
> > > Let us know your experience.
> > >
> > > Laurent
> > > http://guerby.org/blog/
> > >
> > > On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 12:37 +0900, Brenton Bills wrote:
> > > > Greetings folks,
> > > >
> > > > Well there has been a bit of talk on WIFI power usage for the N800,
> > > > just wondering if it uses less power than bluetooth or the same or
> > > > what? Also wondering if the N800 can listen to bluetooth requests
> > > > while in sleep mode or if that would just kill the battery too quick
> > > > or even if thats possible? I was thinking of seeing how difficult it
> > > > would be to be to push say nagios alerts to the N800 over bluetooth
> > > > and cause it to wake up if it gets such a request? Pushing stuff from
> > > > my computer to the N800 would be cool.
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Jonathan Greene
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