Ryan Pavlik wrote:
> Mike Klein wrote:
>> How is it that a package can be marked "Installable" and yet not
>> install?
>> With new firmware I cannot "cleanly" install unzip, wget...as these have
>> bizarre dependency issues.
>> With wget I get dep failure of "wget-ssl" conflict...yet I have no wget
>> on N800 and from googling this appears to be a deprecated package.
>> I also tried installing a gstreamer plugins lib (said it was
>> installable) and it fails silently! Wtf?!? This is linux man. Error msgs
>> please. There are ZERO dep issues for this pkg and it just fails.
>> I am in redpill mode as I needed root access for a variety of apps.
>> I have searched some for these kinds of issues but guess I am using
>> wrong search terms.
>> thanks,
>> mike
> AFAIK red pill mode is application-manager only and used only to be
> able to install/uninstall/upgrade non-user packages.  If you need root
> and you can't/don't want to get it with sudo gainroot or the ssh
> method, you need to use the flasher to enable R&D mode, which is not
> the same as red pill. (at least on the n800)
> A common problem is not having the required repositories for
> dependencies - an install file can only add one repository, while a
> package may have dependencies in several repositories.
> Hope this helps!
> Ryan
Yes...red pill wasn't for root but for access to other pkgs I needed.

I'm not installing from maemo page using install links...this is using
app catalog that came with unit and merely switching to red pill. I
can't imagine unzip and wget are subject to dependency issues across
multiple repos.

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