On Mon, May 05, 2008 at 05:54:16PM -0600, Mark wrote:
> actually does out of the box. (And that tiny screen makes the "it's
> only an Internet device" excuse extremely absurd - who can stand to
> browse the Web very long with these things?) It's Nokia that has
> screwed us all, *including* the developers who were also hoping for

I have no problem browsing, IMing, eBooking (if that an be a verb) for hours on 
the tablet.  Compare it to any phone, and the tablet's screen is huge and the 
browsing experience is far superior.  And before you say it, no the tablet is 
not a phone, but it is not a laptop, either.  In fact, the tablet is much more 
like a phone than a laptop.  Just look at how Nokia has it marketed:  it is an 
"N-series" device, which (apart from the tablet) is all smartphones.

Lately, i have used Word-py to post a few blog entries.  This is actually a 
pretty nice text editor, and may be a good option for some more-formatted notes 
you may want to create.  I believe it saves in HTML format, which you could 
import into OO.org or whatever.

As much as I, like you, want to have my data available when not connected, this 
tablet is most assuredly marketed as an Internet Tablet and it appears the 
developers have Internet-connectedness in mind with the app development.  For 
right or wrong (and I think this is the right path, just as I think incliding 
Firefox 3 beta in the Hardy Heron Ubuntu release was the right forward-looking 
thing to do) this is the path the tablet is on, and it will become better as 
access becomes more ubiquitous, but it looks like we still have some growing 
pains ahead.


In Vino Veritas

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