well I got an N800 and use evince to read most of the ebooks, there is
a good blog post when the N800 came out and how to use Evince
(avialable for N800 and N810) and read your ebooks on PDF

You can use OpenOffice.org to cnvert the doc into pdf and then send
them to your N810 and enjoy them there.

There are good and band things wiht the N810/N800 specially because
the display is a regular LCD, nothing compared to the monocrome ebook
readers that have a high definition contrast like the kindle or
devices like that but on the opposite you are able to get features
such as zoom and well 100 applications more.

On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 6:08 AM, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was hoping that some else out their may be able to share their experiences
> with readers for the N810.
> Previously I have been a big ebook reader using my PalmTX and mostly only
> use it for that purpose now.
> I have a really big collection of books in many formats but for the most
> park they are in MS Word format.. (Yeh I know)
> Would anyone be able to share their comments of how and what they use.?? Why
> you do or don't like them.
> THanks.
> Peter
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