On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 08:38:01PM +0930, Peter wrote:
> I was hoping that some else out their may be able to share their experiences 
> with readers for the N810.

Sadly, mobipocket has not been ported to maemo.  You can, however, install 
Garnet VM and then install your Palm reader on that.  It supports full-screen 
now but I have not been able to try it since the upgrade killed my installation 

I mostly use FBreader, coupled with Gutenbrowse to get books from the Gutenberg 
project.  I am looking for a good way to port pdfs to a format FBreader 
understands (prc/pdb perhaps?) but have not come across one yet.  I was happy 
to see that someone had ported Zittrain's new _Future of the Internet_ book to 
that format and it works perfectly in FBreader.


hope that helps,

In Vino Veritas

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