On Monday 01 December 2008, you wrote:
> 2008/12/1 Hal Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Someone suggested using MPlayer, but that only lets me load one
> > song at a time, which simply won't work for a music player in most
> > circumstances. (For example, I'm listening at the gym and don't
> > want to take my hands off the elliptical machine to punch in stuff
> > while I'm hot, sweaty, and not able to focus too well on my N800.
> Well... with mplayer you can also play playlist...

Tell me how to do it easily while you're at the gym, on an elliptical, 
and you want to change what you're listening to.

There are times to think and be uber-geek and times when the technology 
is a tool and nothing else.

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