atilla ontas a écrit :
2010/9/29 André Machado<>:
I'd say that Gustavo is right on this one. What do we really want : a
setup/configuration tool to help newbies or a welcome page to help newbies
recognized what the different apps in linux are for?
Maybe both: we can start showing a page with information and put it an "Advanced
options" button what leads to other page with setup/configuration tools.

But: place setup/configurations tools in Mageia Welcome Center won't does not
become redundant MCC? Or maybe Mageia Welcome center should be a part of MCC?
Welcome Center or Kaptan should more desktop/application assistance
tool and not replace MCC. This tool should be limited to network
connection and screen resolution configuration on system level. But
should i.e. change theme, icons, default web browser setting etc.
I would say that the welcome centre should be informational, with links to the MCC (or subpage of the MCC) where appropriate.
(To be renamed to the "Mageia" Configuration Centre.)

Kaptan would remain useful for configuration of the desktop for KDE users, just as the Gnome configuration tool would be useful the Gnome users. It might be useful for the welcome centre to have a link to the appropriate desktop configuration tool, but I would suggest letting such tools handle any detailed information/configuration associated with their respective environnement. This would provide a better user experience : no conflicts between the welcome centre, not necessarily up to date, and the desktop configuration tool.

And enhance the MCC where it would be useful. Like this, no matter what the desktop is chosen (KDE, Gnome, or a lighter variety), the new user would have full access to common configuration tools.

There should also be links to the wiki for more details, and to the support forums. Note that the user will not necessarily have Internet access when using the welcome centre, so that the welcome centre should be complete enough to enable basic configuration.

Also note that already the Mandriva installation cd/dvd's have a fairly complete set of basic configuration options, which are not necessarily fully understood at this point. So the welcome centre should be an opportunity to refine such configuration, with all the information necessary for both beginner and advanced users, for basic configuration. But again, with the actual configuration handled by the existing MCC.

Note that the different desktops favour different applications, and users may have different applications installed. So the welcome centre should adapt to the differences, so this tool should be carefully developped with this in mind. The Linux environnement is one of choice, not the "one-size-fits-all" mentality of the Microsoft world.

my 2 cents :)

- André (andre999)
Mageia-dev mailing list

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