On Thu, 30 Sep 2010 00:49:34 +0000 (UTC), André Machado wrote about Re:
[Mageia-dev] What do you think about create a Mageia Welcome Center?:

>Think in emotive computer. Think that user starts up your computer and
>sees a window with text: "Good morning/afternon/night username!". And in
>another line, "You have 3 new e-mails". And on side, tue current weather
>and, below, a list of user compromises for that day, all together the
>hardware information and shortcuts for common tasks and diagnostic tests
>of hardware and software, and a warning that package updates are
>available! - yes, I had all these new ideas now!

Well, YMMV, but that is precisely the kind of computer I want to have only
as far away from me as possible: I want to be in control, I have enough
emotions at work, at home, in transport and in recreation - I want my boxen
to be tools without *any* emotion or interest in me, just let them do for
me what I choose to imagine as far as they can. No more no less. Also, it
does not have to approach the looks of a mobile phone.

Anyway, I'll see what Mageia gives when it is there. So far she remains my
best choice still. (Compare my headers ;)

=Dick Gevers=

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