> What would be interesting is to count the mageia installations. Create > a GUID for every system at install time, and then later on when internet > is available, count the machine via this GUID.
Maybe, when it boots the first time, it could ask the user if he/she likes to collaborate with mageia allowing to send anonymous information about his/her system. If users accept, you can collect info about: * version (mageia 2011.0 64 bits... don't know if we'll have kind of "one" and "free", but this also can be collected) * first boot date * hardware * country * gender (if during user configuration you could select if you are man or woman) * age (idem gender) * package selection: when you install Mandriva, you can select if you'll use your system for Internet, server, development, etc. Also, you can make your own and custom package selection. Can collect what packages the users selected for the install. * Optional: e-mail. So, if in anytime a user sends an e-mail from the registered e-mail, saying "please, remove my info from your data base, you can delete it". No e-mail, no right to ask for removing. This way, you can have a users map knowing how are they distributed around the world. You can know if most people install for Internet or development or server. You can know if most users are man, or woman. If most are teens, adults. If most people install in notebooks, desktops, servers. And, of course, the note saying "you can disable this going to bla bla bla". Cheers! Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)