Graham Lauder wrote:
> On Saturday 02 Oct 2010 01:14:36 Frank Griffin wrote:
>>> And you miss my point entirely, there is NO trumpeting, that's
>>> advertising, there is no exclusion, rather inclusion of a missed market
>> Oh, come on.  Trumpeting and advertising are essentially the same thing,
>> at last in the context of this discussion. 
> Um, that what I said:  That the trumpeting IS advertising... 

Apologies for missing your meaning, but that phrase ("there is NO
trumpeting, that's advertising") can be read two different ways
depending upon what you take "that's" to be modifying, i.e. trumpeting
or what you're advocating.

> You're reading a hell of a lot more in there than I put. You seem to be 
> talking at cross purposes.  When I say inclusion I mean inclusion of another 
> market that hasn't been catered to before.   You're talking about packages, 
> I'm talking about people. 

No, your original post talked about packages, to quote:


So for instance as well as the standard software, educational programmes would 
be installed by default, be NetSafe (Dans Guardian), have OOo4Kids installed 
as well as a full office suite, Tuxtype, TuxPaint and so on.

Documentation added to show parents how to set up accounts for the kids and 
how to make it Net safe.

That is a clear recommendation to configure the distro for that target
audience.  Installing a lot of kid-friendly packages implies they have
to be in the ISOs, which means that some other packages won't be.

> Now I'm convinced we're not talking about the same thing.
> You seem to think we are wanting to embark on some global advertising campaign
> And all I want is to decide what colour pallet  our logo and webpage should 
> use.  By figuring out what a primary target market is we can then figure out 
> the colours that will suit that demographic.  That's it Simple!

As I pointed out above, you advocated targeting the distribution
*itself* to a niche market.  I really have no interest in what colors
the website uses; my replies were prompted because I have lots of
interest in what the distro contains.

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