Quote: nicolas vigier wrote on Thu, 07 October 2010 17:16
> > Someone who needs absolute stability (for example for important 
> > servers), will always use other distros that specifically focus on
> > that, 
> > like Centos.
> They could use Mandriva for good stability (not absolute). Why do you
> want to exclude them from Mageia ?

I don't want to exclude anyone, but Mandriva (apart from MES which is a
separate product) never was the best choice for a long-term stable server
install, sure some people used it but it was a small minority compared to
those that use Centos/Redhat, Suse or even Ubuntu LTS.

We have debated that already earlier in this thread, most people that need
Centos/Redhat like stability also need long-term support which we cannot
provide anyway (at least for now).

> And what makes you think end-users want new versions rather than
> stability ?

Like I mentioned in my previous post (and others here confirmed), many
years of spending on Linux related forums. Most non-geek users just want
to be able to install new app versions, not upgrade the whole distro.

> I know a lot of people that don't care about new versions, but are
> very
> annoyed when an update breaks something.

Distro upgrades tend to break a lot more things.

> For example me, if I setup a computer for my parents, they ask me when
> something is broken so I need to spend some time to fix it. And they
> don't care about new versions, they can wait 6 months or 1 year to
> have
> the latest KDE.

I'm repeating myself: we don't want to upgrade the core packages like KDE
between releases, only apps without child-dependencies and where the
upgrade is not a major upgrade with incomaptible changes.

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